National jurisdiction

美 [ˈnæʃnəl ˌdʒʊrɪsˈdɪkʃn]英 [ˈnæʃnəl ˌdʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃn]
  • 本国管辖
National jurisdictionNational jurisdiction
  1. Subcommittee on the management of resources within limits of national jurisdiction ;


  2. Research on Access and Benefit-sharing of Genetic Resources in Deep Sea Beyond National Jurisdiction


  3. On Coordination of Conflict and National Jurisdiction of Taxation


  4. International regime for the sea-bed and the ocean floor beyond national jurisdiction


  5. Guidelines concerning the Environment Related to Offshore Mining and Drilling within the Limits of National Jurisdiction


  6. Most of the new discoveries lie in deep waters that will remain beyond national jurisdiction .


  7. Judge , who exercises the national jurisdiction , is also the symbol of equity and justice .


  8. The Legal Status and Use of Deep-Sea Genetic Resources beyond National Jurisdiction & The Benefits-sharing Based on Intellectual Property


  9. National jurisdiction at sea is an important part of national jurisdiction and a new development of national sovereignty under modern law system of the sea .


  10. Therefore , in the end of the paper , the author takes proposals on the biodiversity in deep seabed beyond national jurisdiction for China .


  11. The proper principia of military jurisdiction are the specific principia of national jurisdiction action , they are the action criterions of guiding military jurisdiction ;


  12. And have the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction .


  13. First , as the cultural heritage of a sovereign state , the ICH comes within the national jurisdiction of the sovereign state , while not being the common heritage of mankind .


  14. Pending the establishment of an international regime , States and persons were bound to refrain from all activities of exploitation of the resources of the area beyond the limits of national jurisdiction .


  15. Beginning in recent years , with the development of science and technology in deep-sea exploration , people has recognized a new kind of marine resource , which is the biodiversity in deep seabed beyond national jurisdiction .


  16. The banking union needs to be backed by a harmonisation of commercial and labour laws as they apply to banks – or better still , it should take the banks completely out of national jurisdiction .


  17. The UN Security Counsel Resolution 1502 passed in 2003 further complements those laws that are established under the Statute and calls on every state to smash such crimes by exercising its national jurisdiction .


  18. However , the most productive areas of the ocean are under national jurisdiction and 80 percent of oceanic pollution originates on land . Application of the fuzzy set on the present comprehensive assessment of marine conservation places in Liaoning


  19. If banks have to lock up pools of liquidity in every national jurisdiction , their capacity for intermediating capital across borders could fall , and their charges for doing so rise , to the detriment of the world economy .


  20. Part 2 refers to the definition of the national criminal jurisdiction .


  21. Study on National Criminal Jurisdiction


  22. National criminal jurisdiction is a specific embodiment of national power , which is the power that country adopts legislative , judicial and administrative methods to control a crime in short .


  23. It is a national territorial jurisdiction extended out from national sovereignty , it is expansion and extension of coastal states territorial jurisdiction beyond territorial waters , it is an exception of high seas freedom principle .


  24. It is the deepen of the globalization , the widespread international tax evasion and avoidance , the special limitation on the national tax jurisdiction , that make it necessary for countries to carry on assistance in tax collection .


  25. Judicial adjudicative document embodies national will and jurisdiction achievements and it is also a reflection of the specificity of social functions and the authority to judge right and wrong .


  26. Secondly , it improves the national criminal law and enhances national criminal jurisdiction so as to maintain the judicial sovereignty .
